Automatic Virtual Machine Activation (AVMA) acts as a proof-of-purchase mechanism, helping to ensure that Windows products are used in accordance with the Product Use Rights and Microsoft Software License Terms. AVMA lets you install virtual machines on a properly activated Windows server without having to manage product keys for each […]
SYMPTOMS When you try to import a virtual machine that has been exported by using Hyper-V Manager, you cannot import the virtual machine by using Hyper-V Manager on a different Hyper-V server. Additionally, you receive an error message that resembles the following: A Server error occurred while attempting to import […]
You cannot import a virtual machine by using Hyper-v Manager ...
Fehlermeldung: The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The class Msvm_RegisteredProfile does not exist in the root/interop Namespace. Lösung 1: Ursache Eines vorweg: Es ist kein Client-Problem. Vermutlich hängt das Problem mit einem fehlerhaften Update auf Servern von Hewlett-Packard zusammen. Der betroffene Hyper-V-Server 2012 R2 läuft zumindest auf einem DL360 G7. […]