RDP to Windows Server 2012 from Windows XP

It seems that by default, the Windows XP Remote Desktop Client does not support Network Level Authentication (NLA), which is what our 2012 servers demand.

Fortunately, there is a quick fix to the problem.  All you need to do is add a couple of registry entries, restart your computer, and you’re away.  The entries are as follows :

In regedit.exe, select the following key :


Within this key, there is a REG_SZ value called “SecurityProviders”, which contains multiple comma separated values.  At the end of this string, add a comma and “credssp.dll” :

Click OK, then select the following registry key :


Within this key, there is a REG_MULTI_SZ value called “Security Packages”, which contains a list.  At the end of this list, add “tspkg”.

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